2009-08-19 06:37:53 UTC
I am American (living in USA) and my husband is Egyptian and very strict(grew up in Upper Egypt)He is controlling and has allot of set ideas in his mind about how a wife should behave I am in my late twenties and he is in his early forties.We have been married 8 months and I can truly say we have had no peace recently the past 4 months we have started fighting in a very very bad way,including allot of screaming and yelling because he pushes me over the edge of sanity and reason.
We live in an apartment building which we share with 2 other Egyptian families,one lives across the hall and the other downstairs from us.When we first moved in,they were very polite and even said hello to me.They are very strict as well because the wife never leaves the apartment,ive never seen her.Anyway the problem is they had a very bad bias against me because all of them have the opinion American women are no good and only Egyptian women are saints.So I was always so careful with my rep around them,I never made small talk with the men,I tried to not go out much and to cover my hair etc.But the problems between me and my controlling husband escalated,he kept wanting me to be more and more like his idea of a wife,even wanting to control me to the point I couldnt feel my own personality anymore.And he started attacking me verbally so I got defensive and attacked back and we scream and yell back and forth.No my husband came in one evening and told me the neighbors say I am trash and he should divorce me and go marry an Egyptian,one of the Egyptian men said he was married twice before to white women and he knows they are no good pieces of trash and in the end he wanted a good quiet controllable Egyptian girl.I then saw an email on his computer from his brother asking him to come home to Egypt and he will help him get married.It wounded my heart so deeply I became ill and started vomiting on a daily basis.I couldn't hold anything down.He has told me so many times that I am a piece of trash because I dont obey my husband and I yell.The neighbors stay as far away from me as they can,they think I am bad and disgusting because they have heard our fights and heard me screaming.They all have advised he leaves me.Now its gotten so bad that I have panic attacks,refuse to leave the apartment for fear I run into the neighbors,and even have slipped into a deep depression.The constant strain has given me health complications.When I met my husband I was very much innocent,I am not a piece of trash,I was raised in a religious family,but my mother never remained silent when she was angry,she always yelled I grew up in a culture where when one yells the other yells,not the wife is never allowed to yell even if her husband gets in her face.I do not understand why these neighbors think iam so bad.I have moral values,I am not a slut,I didn't have premarital sex with my husband,I wouldnt even let him touch me before marriage.I am studying Islam and try to understand his culture but I just cant understand.He also says he is offended by my crying and that he never saw any Egyptian woman cry and that I am bad.He makes me feel like being an Egyptian woman is some sort of high status of purity that I can never achieve.I am not Egyptian I have never been to Egypt and he is the only person I know.I dont understand what he wants.How can I get these neighbors to stop saying bad stuff about me to my husband and encouraging him to divorce me,It is hurting me deeply inside.How can I get my reputation back with them?