65% (both modern and ancient Egyptians) were Arab Semitic White. Here we go again-this seems to be a very popular question.Most are Arab(Semitic White) and has been since 5,000 B.C..When the Arabs conquered and settled the area now known as Egypt(Arabic name given by the Arabs(Semitic Whites)-the area had no name before this The Black leaders of Nubia/Kemet which made up the southern quarter of Egypt(lost to the Arabs) and Sudan, made a pact with the Arabs so as not to be destroyed and permitted to to become Pharoahs, hence some Black Egyptian Dynasties(800-700 B.C.) much like the Indian Police and scouts when the European Whites drove out the Indians in America.This is based on fact and often gets many thumbs down and disagreements by racists,including many Blacks.
The Egyptians are Arabs(Semitic Whites).The pre Egyptians were Black(mostly Nubian, some Nilotics).Nubia/Kemet(making up 1/4 of southern Egypt and the remainder in Sudan) was conquered by the Arabs-the Black Nubians making a pact with the Arabs to be Pharaohs.
The feaures of the Sphinx are White by facial structure-the nose being busted away could have provided more clues-the thin lips, high forehead, and recessed jaw are Caucasian (White) features.
Because people live/or originated in Africa, does not make them Black, but Africans, much like being American does not mean everyone is White.
The builders of the pyamids were Arabs(Semitic Whites-yes like Jesus and other Jews, and, Arabs and Jews ARE related) and as proven by genetic(DNA) tests on the mummies, anthropological measurements, and asking the Egyptians themselves. Egypt is an ARABIC name-no name prior to this, existed for Egypt.Before the Arab invasions and pyramid buildings,pre- Egyptian Black Africans did inhabit the area in ancient(keyword) times(before Arab-Semitic White invasions and settlement).Most were driven out by the Arabs(Semitic Whites),much like the European Whites drove out the American Indians in America -the few remaining, intermingled(mixed unions producing descendants) with the Arabs, some even making pacts to become Pharaohs(i.e.-Nubians/peoples of Kemet), much like European Whites allowing Indian police and scouts.Many of the people on wall art are, in fact, Black Egyptian slaves(also some free) as well as peoples of other ethnic backgrounds-much like in America, and the difference shows up in the use of different pigments and physical features drawn-many standing side by side.Many drawings, paintings, statues, and other likenesses of King Tut do exhibit both Black and Semitic White physical characteristics, most notably in his facial likeness(even this varies the spectrum from Arab(Semitic White) to Arab(Semitic White)/Black admixture). He is portrayed anywhere from light brown skin to dark black skin.
Because Egypt is in Africa, many Blacks, as above, erroneously claim Egypt as Black , when it has NOT been since at least prior to the pyramid building about 5,000 B.C.-MUCH AS IF THE AMERICAN INDIANS WERE TO CLAIM ALL OF AMERICA IS INDIAN.Egypt's culture and foods are Arabic, far different than Black culture and food. Many Blacks often point to Anwar Sadat as being Black. In fact,he was half White(Egyptian-Semitic White) and half Black(Sudanese mother)-denied this until shortly before his death).
Present day Egypt is 65% White(Semitic Arab)-comparable to 70% of the White population of the US- and 35% nonwhite(predominately Black admixtures and Black, with the remainder Asian(Oriental and Non Oriental(Indo Ruropean Aryan), Indo European Aryan-Greeks, Romans, Turks,Iranians/Perians, etc., and other Semites(mainly Jews)).
To my Black friends and others, bottom line, Egypt(an Arabic name) is Semitic White and has been since the building of the pyramids based both on history and genetic(DNA) testing on the mummies and yes, some of the Pharaohs(i.e.-Nubia-result of pact with Arabs(Semitic White invaders)), were, indeed, Black-MOST were NOT, being Arab(Semitic White)-please, read your history.Before Egypt(the Arab(Semitic White) given name), as it is known today, Blacks did inhabit the area, but it had not been invaded and settled by the Arabs(Semitic Whites) and given the name, Egypt,its Arabic name, again very similar to European Whites invading and settling America.
Incidentally, for those who claim Cleopatra was Black, thousands of busts, drawings, paintings, and other likenesses(i.e.-coins) of her, along with written descriptions of her, from that time period, exist.One look and you can tell she is NOT Black(did not say she was Semitic White/White either,but definitely, not all ,if any, Black either), although she may possibly have some Black ancestry.
The scholars seem to agree: Cleopatra was the last in a line of Ptolemies--Macedonian Greeks(Whites)--who ruled Egypt from the death of Alexander the Great in 305 B.C. until Antony's defeat in the battle of Actium in 31 B.C. The Ptolemies, as was the custom, were an incestuous, intermarrying peoples (to preserve the royal bloodline),also often having relations with the courtiers and concubines who filled their palaces. Many of the children born of these unions were given a place in the royal lineage despite being illegitimate, the secret unspoken.
Many believe that Cleopatra's father was the product of such a union--his mother may have been a concubine from Nubia(Black) or Alexandria(White). Lending credence to this theory is the fact that Cleopatra's bond to the people of Egypt seemed greater than those of her Ptolemic ancestors, who aligned themselves culturally and linguistically with Greece.
Yes, as I acknowledged, BEFORE the pyramids, Arab(Semitic Whites) invasions, and Egypt identity, Blacks did populate the area.Technically, Egypt did not exist, so those Blacks are really not ancient Egyptians any more than the American Indians can be called ancient Americans.Show me any kind of scientific proof that Blacks(not including slave labor),and, NOT, Arabs(Semitic Whites) built the pyramids.
An even better question might be,why do so many Blacks want to claim and insist, Egypt, a majority Arab(Semitic White), Arab culture, food, music, identity, and pyramid building as their own against all factual evidence instead of hearasy? Black Heritage has much Ancient art work an herbal medicines they can rightfully claim as their own rather than trying to claim Arab(Semitic White) Heritage.
From the time of the pyramid building Egypt has retained about 65% Arab(Semitic White) majority, 35% Black/Black admixture,Indian, and Asian ratios.Anything prior to that, was an area populated by Blacks, but not labeled Egypt(an Arabic name) hence, not really Ancient Egypt or Architects of the pyramids.
Arabs(Semitic Whites) and Blacks ARE two different peoples despite many racists(including many Blacks) wanting to claim otherwise-totally different food, cultures, music, physical characteristics(ethnic characteristics)-side by side, the differences are readily apparent.Why many Blacks insist, contrary to evidence, Arabs are Black, I do not understand.Being swarthy alone, does not make it so, any more than Indians, Asians or any other swarthy ethinicity would make it so.
Arab(Semitic Whites) Americans: Lebanese heritage: Ralph Nader, Jamie Farr(Clinger on Mash), and the late Danny Thomas.
Arab( Semitic White) Americans: Egyptian heritage: Dina Powell, Rami Malek
compared to:
MIXED: half Arab(Semitic White)-Egyptian/half Black(Sudanese): Anwar Sadat and King Tut
Black Americans: Bill Cosby, Denzel Washington, and Will Smith
Clearly, you can tell the sets of men and one woman, do NOT fit in the same ethnic classification.The late Anwar Sadat, was half Arab (Semitic White)-Egyptian and half Black(Sudanese), many of the same features attributed to King Tut, whom most likely, was also bi-racial.
When Blacks and Egyptians(Semitic Whites) intermarry, Black traits do dominate(i.e.-Anwar Sadat-(Egyptian Semitic White Father-Black Sudanese mother)).
Homo sapiens idaltu, (similar to modern Blacks/N*egroid features) whom had Black features and Cro Magnon(similar to modern Whites/Caucasoid features) whom had White features, lived in Africa about the same time-both forms of Homo sapiens, now extinct-modern humans are a subspecies of Homo sapiens-Homo sapiens sapiens to be exact-so you can not say the first humans were Black or White.Also, the indigenous(originating there) peoples of Maghreb(the term is generally applied to all of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, but in older Arabic usage pertained only to the area of the three countries between the high ranges of the Atlas Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea). are classified as Aboriginal Caucasoid(resembling/
appearing White/Caucasian).
The Hamitic THEORY is outdated by DNA testing(haploid groups) and anthropological measurements.The Hamic people have been portrayed from Black to White(Semitic and/or Indo European Aryan) to an admixture.