2011-05-25 10:13:09 UTC
Anyway...I am just unsure of wether to go..i want to go on a trip because all i do is work and go to school....i would like to meet him too so i thought the resort would be a good way to do both in a safer atmosphere...on the other hand i am a fan of men taking the initiative to come out of the way first. He said he would try to get a visa but i looked it up and it really is very difficult. So should we meetup in another country to hangout for my vacation or should i just go to the resort? is egypt bad now? I thought if i visited maybe I will do foreign exchange for college there...everything seems to fit with him...i really enjoy his company and want to meet....its not because i need or want a bf...i am not really interested in that...we are just meeting as friends. also possibility...tour group? never done one...
opinions on situation?
egypt safe?
do they hate americans?
travel suggestions?
should i do a tour group?
I know egyptians are either jiggalo types to tourists or very good loyal men....curious how u tell other than the obvious like with american jiggalo types.. planning or package suggestions?